
Timely recognition and correction of neuropsychiatric disorders in childhood allows to ensure a favorable outcome of CNS damage and reduce the depth of behavioral disorders (Azimova H.M. et al., 2006; Bondarenko E.S. et al., 1995). Objective of the study. To study the neurological and clinical - psychological aspects of MBD in children. Materials and methods of the study. The paper presents neurological and clinical - psychological issues of minimal brain dysfunction (MBD) in children attending mass preschool institutions of Andijan and Namangan in the period 2011-2014. The object of the study were 115 children aged 3-7 years (mean age 4.7 ± 1.7 years) with MMD. The diagnosis of MMD was established in the presence of appropriate diagnostic criteria according to ICD-10. The control group included 50 healthy children comparable in gender and age with the main group. Results and discussion: The prevalence of this disease in organized children's institutions of the cities of Andijan and Namangan among preschool children MMD occurs in 9.2%, and in the group of early school-age children - in 8.3% of children. Age and sex characteristics of the disease are manifested by the predominance of MMD among boys (6.4% and 2.8%, respectively), as well as in a different structure of behavioral disorders in children of both sexes. Conclusions: The introduction of a set of simple psychodiagnostic methods into the practice of examining patients with MMD made it possible to identify disorders of the central nervous system in patients with MMD at early stages.

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