Healthcare workers work in conditions of high emotional stress, which leads to rapid fatigue of the nervous system. A questionnaire was conducted among doctors working in departments with a high level of neuropsychiatric fatigue. The survey was conducted simultaneously using specially developed questionnaires that included socio-demographic, professional qualifications, and lifestyle issues of doctors. Purpose of the topic: According to social research [1.2], among the professional factors leading to the occurrence of occupational diseases, the main ones are biological agents (73.9%), antibiotics (16%), chemicals (7.9%), and among professional factors that threaten health, the first place is occupied by the risk of contracting infectious diseases (98%). To conduct an analysis of the medical and social characteristics of doctors in departments with a high level of neuropsychiatric fatigue of a multidisciplinary clinic. Research methods and materials: Questionnaire of 60 doctors working in departments with a high level of neuropsychiatric fatigue of a multidisciplinary clinic of the Medical Institute. The survey was conducted simultaneously using specially developed questionnaires, which included socio-demographic, professional qualifications, and lifestyle issues of doctors. The survey included 70 questions and formalized responses. Results and Conclusions: Improving the system of health protection and strengthening of doctors is of paramount importance based on the formation of a basic model of health protection. It should be noted that the main economic effect of the SS is determined by the struggle to improve the health indicators of working-age individuals, and in the SS system, special attention should be paid to maintaining the health of a doctor resource that is very valuable to society.
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List of references
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