Relevance. Of all the vascular systems, varicose veins of the lower extremities rank first. Statistics show that in developed countries the incidence of varicose disease is 25-33% among women and 10-20% among men. In Russia alone, more than 38 million people are officially registered suffering from various forms of varicose disease, of which 15% have trophic disorders. The aim of this scientific work was to improve the treatment results of patients with various forms of varicose disease by using the EVLO method in complex treatment. Materials and methods. The authors analyze the results of treatment of 267 patients with varicose veins of the lower extremities, who were divided into three groups. The first group consisted of 104 (38.9%) patients who underwent traditional phlebectomy, the second group consisted of 107 (40.1%) patients who underwent EVLO + miniphlebectomy of the great saphenous vein simultaneously, and the third (main) group consisted of 56 (20.9%) patients who underwent EVLO and 3 months later underwent sclerotherapy or miniphlebectomy. Conclusions. The authors conclude that the effectiveness of a particular treatment option for varicose veins of the lower extremities should be confirmed by clinical and instrumental diagnostic methods, data on the frequency of complications and relapses. The results of the quality of life study provide valuable additional information that can improve the interaction between the doctor and the patient in achieving better treatment results.
About the Authors
List of references
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