
This article will discuss the evaluation of enteral nutrition for various diseases in postoperative patients. This direction is one of the most important theoretical and practical problems of clinical surgery. The term enteral nutrition can be considered a method of therapeutic or supplementary nutrition with the necessary products. Absorption of the product occurs physiologically when consumed through the oral cavity, through gastric or intestinal probes, that is, through the mucous membrane of the digestive system. The surgical patient is often in a group of people with a chronic eating disorder, more often with diseases of the digestive system. In such situations, nutritional support is necessary, that is, enteral nutrition, as it is physiological, maintaining the structure and functionality of the intestine and stimulating the secretion of its hormones, preventing atrophy of the intestinal mucosa. Enteral nutrition is a physiological and cheap nutrition that does not require sterility and does not cause critical consequences. If natural food intake is not possible, nutrition is carried out in the most appropriate ways in this case through gastro- or jejunostomy. There are many ways to perform a gastrostomy for nutrition, including the use of laparotomy, endoscopy, and laparoscopy. The article contains materials of clinicians on the issue of enteral nutrition since the development of this direction, provides the principles of enteral nutrition for various diseases in the postoperative period, which allows you to choose the best way of nutritional support.

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List of references

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