
The beginning of the 21st century was marked by an increase in allergic diseases (AL). The prevalence of allergic diseases (more than 20% of the population) has made the allergy problem a global medical and social problem. Allergiesarecalled "diseases of civilization.". Study and analysis of the prevalence of respiratory allergic diseases in the Bukhara region.. To clarify the situation with allergic diseases in the Bukhara region, we studied the treatment of the population on the basis of outpatient records and the medical history of clinics. The total number of patients (both sexes, different age groups) was 1035 people. A patient questionnaire map was compiled. For Bukhara region, allergic diseases remain as relevant as frequently encountered other diseases. The prevalence of allergic diseases has its own characteristics and differences for almost every region, but for some it is advisable to conduct additional studies.

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List of references

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