The editor-in-chief - Rasul – Zadе Yulduz Gulyamovna, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).

Deputy Chief Editor - Arzikulov Abdurayim Shamshiеvich, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan). ORCID/GoogleScholar


  1. Madazimov Madamin Muminovich, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan). ORCID/GoogleScholar
  2. Mamasaliev Nematjon Solievich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Andijan State Medical Institute (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  3. Salakhiddinov Zukhriddin, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  4. Agranovskiy Mark Lеyzеrovich, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  5. Salakhiddinov Kamaliddin Zukhriddinovich, associate professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  6. Xudaybеrdiеv Kabil Tursunovich, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  7. Zufarova Shakhnoza Alimdzhanovna, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).
  8. Abdullajonov Bakhramjon Rustamovich, professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  9. Raxmanova Lola Karimovna, associate professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Tashkent Medical Academy, (Tashkent, Uzbekistan).
  10. Mamatxudjaeva Gulnaraxan Najmidinovna, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  11. Kaxxarov Zafarjon Abduraxmanovich, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  12. Olеynik Vladimir Alеksееvich, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  13. Tulanov Dilshod Shomirzaеvich, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  14. Abdullaеva Mavjuda Ergashеvna, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).
  15. Saliеva Manzura Xabibovna, associate professor, candidate of medical sciences, Andijan State Medical Institute, (Andijan, Uzbekistan).