Medical science of Uzbekistan 2024-05-06T16:38:56+05:00 Ortiqov Jahongir Open Journal Systems <p>The electronic scientific and practical medical journal <strong>"Medical Science of Uzbekistan"</strong> is a regular peer-reviewed electronic publication reflecting the results of scientific research by Uzbek and foreign scientists focused on the development of advanced methods for diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases and developing innovative medical technologies.</p> AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING THE CAUSES OF DEPRESSION: THE INTERPLAY OF GENETIC, BIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND SOCIOCULTURAL FACTORS 2024-05-06T16:38:56+05:00 Robiya Abdurazakova <p>Depression is one of the most prevalent mental disorders, characterized by sad mood, loss of interest in life, and diminished pleasure in usual activities. This review article examines an integrative approach to understanding the causes of depression, taking into account the interaction of genetic, biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors. Drawing on contemporary research, the mechanisms through which genetic predisposition, biological changes, psychological factors, and sociocultural conditions influence the onset and development of depression are explored. Theories and empirical evidence supporting the complex interplay of these various aspects are discussed, along with avenues for further research and clinical practice.</p> 2024-04-20T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RISK FACTOR FOR RENAL AMYLOIDOSIS IN ARTICULAR-VISCERAL FORM OF JUVENILE IDIOPATHIC ARTHRITIS IN CHILDREN 2024-04-13T14:45:12+05:00 Lola Rakhmanova Iroda Zhumamuratova Akramjon Rakhmanov <p>Currently, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) has become a medical and social problem. This is fundamentally associated with a significant increase in the number of diseases among children, often with severe, progressive courses and early development of disability. <strong>The purpose</strong> of the study is to determine the risk factor for the development of renal amyloidosis in the articular-visceral form of JIA in children. <strong>Material and methods.</strong> We examined 30 children from 3 to 14 years old with the articular-visceral form of JIA against the background of immunodiathesis (autoimmune + lymphatic) (ID). The control group consisted of 25 practically healthy children of the same age. The clinical diagnosis was established on the basis of anamnesis, results of clinical laboratory, immunological, functional examination and diagnostic criteria for JIA. <strong>Results.</strong> In patients with the articular-visceral form of JIA against the background of ID, symptoms of kidney damage were periodically observed: decrease in daily diuresis, relative density of urine, decrease in glomerular filtration; an increase in selective proteinuria, erythrocyturia, leukocyturia, an increase in creatinine in the urine. Immunological changes were manifested in a decrease in CD3, CD8, CD, PhAN and an increase in CD19, IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE, CIC in the blood serum. <strong>Conclusions.</strong> <strong>1.</strong> In children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, immunodiathesis (autoimmune + lymphatic) is a risk factor for renal amyloidosis, which is based on interrelated and interdependent immunopathological processes that are characteristic of autoallergic pathologies, manifested by secondary immunological deficiency. <strong>2.</strong> The process of development of renal amyloidosis in the articular-visceral form of JIA in children with immunodiathesis (autoimmune + lymphatic) is latent and progressive.</p> 2024-03-19T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 NEW CT CRITERIA FOR PREDICTING SURGICAL TREATMENT IN PATIENTS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL MALFORMATIONS OF THE EXTERNAL AUDITORY CANAL 2024-04-13T15:03:16+05:00 Sherzod Gulyamov Xurram Karabaev Nargiza Xamrakulova <p>In order to classify patients with ear malformations and treat them effectively, accurate knowledge and a uniform description of defects are necessary.</p> <p><strong>A complete study.</strong> Clinical and audiometric research methods can be used, as well as X-ray methods. An accurate anatomical description of malformations using imaging procedures is necessary, especially with regard to the planning and results of surgical reconstructions of the outer and middle ear.</p> <p><strong>Research materials and methods.</strong> We analyzed the Jahrsdoerfer criteria, the new/modified anatomical points considered in our study, as well as the angle of the anvil-stapes joint. The following are specific anatomical criteria and corresponding points awarded when evaluating computed tomography of the temporal bones in congenital stenosis and atresia of the external auditory canal.</p> <p><strong>Results.</strong> TMJ is a safe surgical limit for channeloplasty; therefore, group I patients will have much more operating space than group II patients. Considering the above, that the position of the facial nerve was not statistically significant (P&gt;0.05) between group I and group II, we assume that the displacement of the TMJ back contributed more to a decrease in the diameter of the medial canal.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> We have identified new/modified anatomical features that are often found in CT scans in a large group of patients from groups I and II. A review of surgical data shows that a large MHC obstruction makes it difficult to examine the stirrup and anvil-stapes joint, as well as assess integrity and mobility, and thus increases the complexity of atresioplasty.</p> 2024-03-25T00:00:00+05:00 Copyright (c) 2024